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Serena Fox

Serena is a publication designer with a background in branding and marketing. Having worked with and within larger corporations, her work today is generally personal: supportive of creatives, creative entrepreneurs and altruistic endeavors. 

"I’ve been designing for 40 years—or, truly, all of my life. I find beauty in what surrounds me, and express that in many ways, formats, textures, colors and mediums. The pieces are all there…and one weaves them together to create the perfect harmony, the perfect collaboration, the perfect relationship. Your 'living vision' comes together through true and deep listening—to what is said and known…and what is, otherwise, unsaid and unknown. The unforeseen is often the most pure form of the meaning and mission—and it is my gift to sort, sift and, finally, distill down to the 'essence' of the brand, project or product. We percolate: the values, the purpose, the product. Then, and only then, can we collectively tell, embrace, qualify and visualize our story: our goal, hope and clear desire."  - Serena Fox / Designer

Serena Fox Design Company • Bean, Inc. and

